Tuesday, November 6, 2012

MCQ on carbohydrate

1. The most abundant bio molecule on the earth
a) Nucleic acids
b) proteins
c) lipids
d) carbohydrates
2. The major functions of carbohydrates include
a) structural framework
b) storage
c) both a and b
d) none of these
3. The general formula of carbohydrate is
a) (CH2O)n
b) (C4H2O)n
c) (C6H2O)n
d) (C2H2O)n COOH
4. Carbohydrates are
a) polyhydroxy aldehydes and phenols
b) polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones
c) polyhydroxy ketones and phenols
d) polyhydroxy phenols and alcohols
5. Structural polysaccharides include
a) cellulose, hemicellulose and chitin
b) cellulose, starch and chitin
c) cellulose, starch and glycogen
d) cellulose, glycogen and chitin
6. Nutritional polysaccharides are
a) starch and glycogen
b) starch and chitin
c) starch and cellulose
d) starch and glucose
7. Glycogen in animals are stored in
a) liver and spleen
b) liver and muscles
c) liver and bile
d) liver and adipose tissue
8. Carbohydrates accounts
a) 30% in plants and 20% in animals
b) 30% in plants and 10% in animals
c) 30% in plants and 1% in animals
d) 50% in plants and 50% in animals
9. Smallest carbohydrates are trioses. Which of the following is a triose?
a) glucose
b) ribulose
c) ribose
d) glyceraldehyde
10. Which of the following is a reducing sugar
a) glucose
b) dihydroxyacetone
c) erythulose
d) none of these
11. Oligosaccharides linked to proteins are called
a) glycoproteins
b) glycolipids
c) galactosides
d) ganglioside
12. In polysaccharides, monosaccharaides are joined by
a) peptide bond
b) glucose bond
c) glycosidic bond
d) covalent bond
13. Sucrose is a
a) monosaccharide
b) disaccharide
c) polysaccharide
d) triose
14. Lactose is a disaccharide consists of
a) glucose and fructose
b) glucose and galactose
c) glucose and sucrose
d) glucose and ribose
15. In lactose, the linkage is
a) β-1-4 linkage
b) β-1-2 linkage
c) α-1-4 linkage
d) α-1-2 linkage
15. Maltose is a disaccharide consists of
a) glucose and fructose
b) glucose and galactose
c) glucose and sucrose
d) glucose and glucose
16. In maltose, the linkage is
a) β-1-4 linkage
b) β-1-2 linkage
c) α-1-4 linkage
d) α-1-2 linkage
17. Starch consists of
a) unbranched amylose and branched amylopectin
b) branched amylose and branched amylopectin
c) unbranched amylose and unbranched amylopectin
d) none of these
18. Cellulose is made up of repeating units of
a) β-1-4 linkage between D-glucose units
b) β-1-2 linkage between D-glucose units
c) α-1-4 linkage between D-glucose units
d) α-1-2 linkage between D-glucose units
19. Amylopectin has
a) β-1-4 and β-1-6 linkage
b) β-1-2 linkage
c) α-1-4 and α-1-6 linkage
d) α-1-2 linkage
20. Chitin consists of
a) N-acetyl muramic acid
b) N-acetyl glucosamine
c) D-glucose units
d) N-acetyl muramic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine
------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123 Email:ehab10f@gmail.com,ehababoueladab@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------

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