Wednesday, November 7, 2012

جسر قوس قزج في تايوان

بدون مقدمات الصورة أبلغ من الكلام :) !! تلك الصورة التي امامك انها لجسر قوس قزج في تيوان ، والذي يُعد من الأماكن التي يرتاد عليها السكان دائماً للشعور بالراحه و الأستمتاع بالمنظر الخلاب الذي تروه امامكم فما بالكم إن كان المنظر على الطبيعة ؟ تخليلو ذلك .

أصبح الأنسان الأن لديه القدرة على مزج الطبيعة بالتكنولوجيا و التطور ليدهشنا بالكثير !!  و من هذه الهياكل التي شيدت هو ذلك الجسر ، جسر قوس قزح في تيوان Taiwain's  Rainbow Bridge  و الذي يجعله بتلك الجاذبيه ، هو بسبب الأضواء  النيون الملصقة على جانب الجسر و التي تُسليط ضوئها على المياه فيظهر لنا  قوس قزح من الألوان  مشهد رائع مثير للدهشة حقاً :) !! 

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

اليوم السابع | وزير التعليم العالى يخرج من الباب الخلفى لحقوق المنصورة

اليوم السابع | وزير التعليم العالى يخرج من الباب الخلفى لحقوق المنصورة

------------------------------------------Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

بالصور : إعصار ساندي وما تركه من كوارث

بالصور : إعصار ساندي وما تركه من كوارث

------------------------------------------Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

MCQ plant physiology -photosynthesis

1.  Photosynthetic pigments are located in
a) stroma
b) grana
c) cytoplasm
d) thylakoids
2. The Dark reaction of photosynthesis was worked out by:
a) Hatch and Slack
b) Melvin Clavin
c) Arnold
d) Emerson
3. During photosynthesis oxygen is evolved from
a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) sunlight
d) water
4. Light reaction occur in
a) Grana
b) stroma
c) thylakods
d) mitochondria
5. Photosynthetic pigments absorb
a)  UV radiation
b) IR radiation
c)  Visible radiation
d) Gama radiation
6.  In cyclic photophorylation the high energy electrons are driven out from
a) Chlorophyll a 683
b) P 700
c) Chlorophyll a 673
d) P 870
7. One among the following elements is very important for photolysis of water
a) Mg
b) Mn
c) Fe
d) Zn
8.  The hypothesis that all photosynthesis organisms require a source of hydrogen was first proposed by
a) Van Niel
b) Hatch and Slack
c) Hill
d) Ruber and Kamen
9. In the photosynthesis process, PS II absorbs energy at or just below
a) 700 nm
b) 870 nm
c) 680 nm
d) 780 nm
10. The amount of ATP required for the synthesis of one glucose molecule in C4 pathway is
a) 18 ATP
b) 30 ATP
c) 12 ATP
d) 24 ATP
11.  In bacterial photosynthesis comes from
a) H2S
b) H2O
c) H2SO4
d) NH3
12.  Isotopes popularly known to have been used in study of photosynthesis:
a) C16 and N15
b) C14 and O16
c) P32 and C12
d) C11 and P32
13. Dark reaction is traced by
a) O19
b) P32
c) X-rays
d) 14CO2

14. Photosynthesis is maximum in
a) Blue light
b) Red light
c)  Blue and green light
d) Blue and red light
15. Law of limiting factor was proposed by
a) Black man
b) Hill
c) Arnold
d) Engle man


1- d
2- b

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

ehab10f -

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

تهاني الحصول علي جائزتي الدولة والجامعة في العلوم الكيميائية

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

Postdoctoral Non-NIH Funding Opportunities

Postdoctoral Non-NIH Funding Opportunities

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

Cell Biology Model question

2. Cell theory was proposed by
a) Beadle and Tatum
b) Robert Hooke
c) Schleiden and Schwann
d) Leenuwenhoeck
3. The cell theory is not applicable to
a) Bacteria
b) algae
c) Virus
d) fungi
4. Semiautonomous organelle in the cell is
a) Peroxisomes
b) Chloroplast
c) Endoplasmic reticulam
d) Golgibodies
5. The membrane around the vacuole is called
a) cytoplast
b) tonoplast
c) amyloplast
d) elaioplast
6. Identify the non -membraneous organelle from the following
a) Ribosome
b) Endoplasmic reticulam
c) Nucleus
d) Chloroplast
7. Microfilaments are composed mainly of a protein called
a) actin
c) myosin
d) chitin
8. Experiments demonstrating the importance of the nucleus in controlling the growth of the cell was performed in
a) Starfish
b) Acetabularia
c) Neurospora
d) Leucocytes
9. Which of the following is associated with the structure of Golgicomplex?
a) Cristae
b) Cisternae
c) Annuli
d) Quatasomes
10. The subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes are
a) 60 S+40 S
b) 70 S+30 S
c) 60 S+30 S
d) 50 S+30 S
11. Plant cell wall mainly composed of
a) cellulose
b) starch
c) protein
d) lipid
12. Smooth endoplasmic reticulam is the site of
a) protein synthesis
b) carbohydrate synthesis
c) amino acid synthesis
d) Lipid synthesis
13. In higher plants, the shape of the chloroplast is
a) Discoid
b) cup shaped
c) girdle shaped
d) ribbon shaped
14. The main function of Centrosome is
a) Secretion
b) osmoregulation
c) Protein synthesis
d) Formation of spindle fibre
15. Assembly of two subunits 40 S and 60 S of the ribosome is
a) 100 S unit
b) 80 S unit
c) 70 S unit
d) 90 S unit

1- b
2- c

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

Immunology by Animation

Somatic Recombination of a light chain to demonstrate how antibodies can bind to so many different epitopes.
MHC I antigen loading shows how MHC class one molecules acquire their antigens for presentation on the cell surface.
MHC II antigen loading – shows how MHC class two molecules acquire their antigens for presentation on the cell surface.
IP3 and Ca2+ ions as second messengers – shows how ligand binding to a receptor initiates the production of IP3 and release of Ca2+ ions from the ER.
B Cell Maturation - shows intracellular and extracellular interactions that illustrate the maturation stages of B cells in the bone marrow.
Activation of B Cells with Thymus-Independent (TI) Antigen - shows the role of the B cell receptor and coreceptor when challenged with a bacterial or viral anitgen that has many copies of a single epitope.
B Cell Selection - shows how B cells that bind to self-antigen are removed from the repertoire of B cells with randomly generated binding specificities. Also shows that non-reactive B cells are permitted to enter general circulation.
T Cell Selection – this series of animations shows T Cell development, Positive Selection, and Negative Selection. The viewer can choose which process he or she wants to see. The animations were created by and generously donated to Davidson College by Dr. Victor Lemas of BioCreations.
MAPK – an animation which shows how cell surface receptors lead to gene activation. This pathway is called the MAP Kinase pathway. The animation was created by and generously donated to Davidson College by Dr. Victor Lemas of BioCreations.
RT-PCR- shows how the method of reverse transcriptase-PCR is performed and some sample data are produced.

------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------

MCQ on Cell cycle

1. DNA replication occurs in
a) S phase
b) G phase
c) G2 phase
d) M phase
2. The pairing of homologous chromosomes
a) Tetrads
b) Crossing over
c) Synapsis
d) Terminalisation
3. Which aspect of mitosis is affected by colchicine in inducing polyploidy?
a) DNA duplication
b) Spindle formation
c) Cell plate formation
d) Chromosome doubling
4. Pairing of homologous chromosomes can be seen during
a) Zygotene
b) leptotene
c) Diplotene
d) Pachytene
5. The cell cycle of a germinal cell has
a) two successive mitotic divisions
b) two successive reduction divisions
c) very short prophase in first division
d) one reduction division followed by one mitotic division
6. During cell division, sometimes there will be failure of separation of sister chromatids. This event is called
a) interference
b) coincidence
c) fusion
d) Non disjunction
7. In the cell cycle DNA synthesis takes place during
a) G1 phase
b) G2 phase
c) S phase
d) Prophase
8. During metaphase mitosis chromosomes
a) undergo coiling
b) Move towards the poles
c) Line up at the equator
d) Break and disintegrate
9. A cell divides every one minute. At this rate of division it can fill a 100 ml of beaker in one hour. How much time does it take to fill a 50 ml beaker?
a) 30 minutes
b) 60 minutes
c) 59 minutes
d) one minute
10. In how many cells the meiotic division has taken place, if the total number of spermatids produced are 32?
a) 16
b) 8
c) 32
d) 4
11. Zygotic meiosis occurs in
a) Pteris
b) Marchantia
c) Puccinia
d) Chalmydomonas
12. Daughter cells are formed as a result of meiosis are not similar to that of parent cell because
a) Meiosis is completed in two stages
b) Prophase is longest phase
c) Nucleus size increases in daughter cells
d) Crossing over takes place and chromosome number is halved
13. During meiosis chiasmata are observed at
a) Pachytene
b) Diplotene
c) Leptotene
d) Diakinesis
14. Number of mitotic divisions required to produce 128 cells from a single cell is
a) 7
b) 8
c) 16
d) 32
15. During which stage of prophase I the crossing over takes place?
a) Pachytene
b) Leptotene
c) Zygotene
d) Diplotene

1- a
2- c
------------------------------------------ Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab, Tel:01007834123, ------------------------------------------